NHS Hearing Aid Maintenance and Repair
Patients who already have hearing aids can directly access the audiology service with no need for a GP referral; If you already have NHS hearing aids and wish to be reassessed, please contact us directly.
If you are concerned about a child’s hearing, Audiology accepts referrals from GPs, Health Visitors, School Health Nurses and other Health professionals. If your child is already under the Audiology service and you are concerned there has been a change in hearing, you can contact Audiology directly.
We are not currently able to run our Open Access Repairs Service. We are conducting hearing aid repairs by postal service where possible. If you are having a problem with your hearing aid, telephone, text or email our Audiology Department in the first instance, where we will troubleshoot and attempt to solve the problem over the phone. Many patients are now receiving tubes and spare parts for their hearing aids by post, and carrying out their own minor repairs at home.Audiology Department
If it is not possible to resolve your issue by the telephone or postal service, then we can arrange for you to attend the Audiology department, subject to COVID-19 screening and precautions which will be fully explained and discussed when arranging the appointment.
NHS hearing aid maintenance and repair
Page published: 24 January 2025
Last updated: 24 January 2025